Herbs Used in Witchcraft
Each herb is a plant of witchcraft. In addition, each herb also brings eternal magick and energy properties with it.
Be imaginative as you look around but just to give you a starting point, here are some of the most popular spell herbs and their magic properties.
When working with Thyme, we can increase strength, courage, happy dreams and dispell the stagnant negative energy that tends to build up in our hearts and homes. Place Thyme beneath your pillow for a restful sleep and relaxing dreams.
Thyme is considered to be associated with the element of water and has a strong feminine energy.
Mugwort is commonly used as a psychic enhancer in modern magick, which makes it a great herb for increasing divination clairvoyance and astral travel. Many hedgewitches use Mugwort frequently as incense and teas to increase overall clarity within all things spiritual.
Mugwort is associated with the element of earth and has a strong feminine energy.
Bay lear (or bay laurel) is a very popular herb to enhance manifestation and prosperity rituals. It’s been said that it helps to make wishes come true more consistently and that it can even aid in breaking curses more quickly.
Bay leaf is associated with the element of fire and has a strong masculine energy.
Jasmine is a beautiful flower that carries with it the fragrant aroma that stirs emotions of love and sensuality. It’s no surprise that Jasmine is used in love, attraction and sex spells in the form of incense, tea and ritual oils.
Jasmine is commonly associated with the element of water and has a feminine energy.
Lavender is useful in spells to sharpen the mind and to strengthen and encourage pure or true love. A small bunch of lavender can be used to sprinkle blessed water with in rituals and when dried, it makes
a wonderfully fragrant incense to be burned in spell work.
Lavender is usually associated with the element of air and has a masculine energy.
Basil has been referred to as “the hitch’s herb” and it’s frequently used in money and prosperity spells and in general, to bring purification and positive attraction of energy to any space.
Basil is commonly associated with the element of fire and has a strong masculine energy.
Rosemary holds strong ties to purification and the cleansing of negative or unwanted energy. Bum a smudge wand of bundled rosemary to wash away the bad and replace it with a bright, pure energy instead. If you’re needing to increase your self-love, there
is no better herb than Rosemary to help you to increase the power of your self-love rituals. Teas, baths, incense and room sprays made from Rosemary will all help as you open your heart to spiritual love and conscious compassion for your Self.
Rosemary is often associated with the element of fire and has a strong masculine energy.
Cinnamon is a very common herb that increases psychic ability and raises spiritual awareness. It’s also used heavily in money and prosperity spells to attract wealth. It’s a really versatile herb that has a ton of magickal uses!
Cinnamon is generally associated with the element of fire and has a masculine energy