Honey Bee Cuticle Balm
An excellent little helper to keep in your purse, this recipe makes a little over ½ cup, or enough to fill 26 lip balm tubes - plenty to keep in the bathroom, purse, car, and give away to friends! I also like to upcycled mini jam jars and mint tins - just make sure you clean them thoroughly with rubbing alcohol first and let dry thoroughly before filling. When labeling, place clear tape over the label, as the cream will stain the labels and dissolve the sticker backing if it seeps through. To use, rub gently into cuticles and nails - this salve also works great as a backup lip balm and on flyaway hat hair!
This episode is all about the moon and I want to start by talking about the different ways to divide the lunar cycle in order to create structure in your witchcraft practice.