Solitary Witch: 9 Tips for Doing it Alone
Thinking of beginning your practice as a solitary witch?
Maybe you’re just getting started on your path in the Craft. Or maybe your work with a coven didn’t . . . work out.
Perhaps you work well with a coven, but want to enrich your practice on your own.
Whatever your reasons, jump start your journey as a solitary witch with these simple suggestions anyone can do.
But first . . .
What is a solitary witch?
Solitary witchcraft is the practice of magic without a group, coven or other organization.
Most beginners start as solitaries, and many stay that way forever.
Some practitioners find a sense of community and bonding in a group setting, but covens aren’t for everyone.
1. Commit to something.
If committing to a coven makes you feel phobic, commit to something as solitary witch.
Whether you choose a goddess to focus on for the coming new year, or simply commit to writing down your dreams for a month, pick something and stick to it.
And of course, re-evaluate as needed. But simply setting a goal or commitment goes a long way to keeping you on track for progress.
2. Keep a calendar and stick to it.
Practicing as a solitary often means a slacker schedule.
Without a group to hold us accountable, it becomes easy to promise ourselves we’ll do that home blessing next moon cycle.
3. Learn to write your own spells.
Of course, using pre-written spells teaches you a lot about the art of magic.
But eventually, you need to learn to tailor your Craft and make it your own.
Start small.
4. Find your tribe.
Practicing as a solitary is not the same thing as being alone in your Craft.
Even if covens or group settings aren’t your thing, make it a point to find even one person to talk Craft with over tea.
Compare notes, read each other’s tarot, or just sit under the moon together and enjoy it together in all its lunar glory.
5. Specialize.
Not that you need to specialize in anything, but choosing something to focus your talent on pays off down the road.
Learn to read tarot fluently, hone your knowledge of herbs to a high art or become an expert in Celtic mythology.
Whatever you want.
But pick something and develop it.
6. Create individualized traditions.
With no set lore or traditions, solitary practice offers the unique opportunity to make your own.
Maybe you like to buy or gather a fresh bouquet of flowers to mark the change of every season.
Perhaps you know the perfect vantage point to watch the full moon in your town, and you make a point to go every Esbat.
Or maybe you even like to include your children in full moon activities.
Whatever your unique lifestyle, discover and create traditions that fit into your personal, seasonal rhythms.
Start simple. After a few years, you will likely build on whatever foundation you lay out.
7. Don’t stress about the broom closet.
Many, many people stay solitary because they fear sticking even one big toe out of the broom closet.
And don’t get me wrong, there are many valid reasons to keep your practice on the hush.
Custody battles, jobs in religious organizations and living in parts of the world where witchcraft is punishable as a criminal offense all rank high on that list.
But as someone who lives quite openly outside the broom closet, most of the things that make people uneasy about public life as a witch are unfounded.
You would be amazed at how little anyone cares. I definitely was. I have friends at every end of the political spectrum, as well as conservative Christian friends, Muslims friends, Hindu friends, and Buddhist friends. No one. Cares.
There’s nothing wrong with staying in the closet if that’s what you want.
But if you need a little shove to come out, here it is again: No one cares. Really.
8. Maintain a Book of Shadows.
As a solitary, chances are, you get a lot of your information from books, the internet and even your own intuition.
Beginning a Book of Shadows (or grimoire) helps to gather that information in a focused way.
Personally, I find when I use written spells, reading them from a book in my own handwriting creates a sense of intimacy.
Plus, screens in the ritual space? Ew, no thank you.
Use it to write down your grandmother’s home remedies, family lore and your personal beliefs.
9. Start a meditation practice.
Meditation is the bridge to the spiritual world.
Maintaining a meditation practice connects the solitary witch to deeper contemplation, promotes more powerful spell work and teaches the discipline of focus.
Think you can’t meditate? Keep trying.
The benefits of meditation are cumulative in nature. In other words, the longer and more often you do it, the more meditation can actually change your brain.