Witch Tip for Coughs
Hey witchy babe, This week I learned that my mom’s boyfriend cannot for the life of him shake an awful cough. So of course what I do is head straight for my herbal remedies book to hopefully get him a...
Hey witchy babe, This week I learned that my mom’s boyfriend cannot for the life of him shake an awful cough. So of course what I do is head straight for my herbal remedies book to hopefully get him a...
By now, if you’ve been following our series on Modern Moon Rituals, you’ve likely noticed a shift in your life, your thoughts and daily patterns, and especially your magick! Awesome!! If you don’t want to go any further in depth...
Candle magic is one of the most common forms of petition magic, and one of the easiest and most accessible for newcomers to the Craft. Once you’re set at your favorite local metaphysical store, though, how do you know what...
You’re totally sure you did everything right. You bought every herb the book said, your house looks like you’ve taken up crystal mining, the fire marshall better not drop by cuz candles are everywhere, you stirred that cauldron until you’re...
AMETHYST This brilliant purple stone has been considered a very special stone for centuries. It was thought in ancient times to be able to ward off intoxication and was often used on goblets to keep anyone who used them from...
BEGINNING WITCHCRAFT While there is no definition or set standard of practice for witches, there do exist several practices and many useful magical correspondence that exemplify what a witch incorporates into his or her craft. This is not meant to be...
HOW TO CAST A SPELL GATHER THE WILL Will is the drive behind your intention. It’s what brings the spell into existence and what differentiates a wish from a spell… Will requires real work, while a wish is just a...
By its essential nature, witchcraft is the tool we use to interact with the spiritual world. If you’re new to all of this, you might have a desire to quantify the concept of what the spiritual world represents, and for...
“Do as you will, but harm no one.” The Rule of three, also widely known as the threefold law, elaborates an important rule in living a life free from negativity. For witches, the rule of three is a moral that...