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  • Samhain - Honoring The Crone

    Samhain - Honoring The Crone

    Theme: Death & Rebirth Goddesses Of All Hallows: Hecatae- Goddess of the crossroads, of death and rebirth.  Kali Ma - The destroyer and awakener, she who destroys only what is needed to further growth. Baba Yaga- Russian crone Goddess of...

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  • How to Survive Mercury Retrograde

    How to Survive Mercury Retrograde

    We should all do our best to work with the energy of the retrograde instead of against it. That's why using some Mercury retrograde autumn 2021 protection rituals can be both a fun and useful practice to help you really...

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  • Mabon Ritual for the Beginner Witch

    Mabon Ritual for the Beginner Witch

    Mabon Ritual for the Beginner Witch Hey Witch Babes! Mabon is the second harvest of the year and a time for expressing gratitude for all of the blessings in life. It is a time of plenty and abundance, not just...

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  • Mabon Apple Cake Recipe

    Mabon Apple Cake Recipe

    Mabon: The Autumn Equinox September 22nd, 2021 Festival of Harvest, when day and night are equal   𝓜𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓷 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼! Are you a Kitchen Witch? Here's a little recipe I've used to celebrate the beginning of fall! I hope you can get...

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  • How to Celebrate Mabon

    How to Celebrate Mabon

    Celebrating Mabon Despite being in what’s described as a “tech-obsessed” society, Wednesday Sept. 22nd is the Fall Equinox (also known as Mabon, pronounced May-bun), and no doubt blogs the world over will be posting about rituals and traditions to be performed...

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  • What is Mabon?

    What is Mabon?

    𝓜𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓷 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼!   or if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, Ostara Blessings! Mabon is the Autumn Equinox, a time of equilibrium. Day and night are equal and we start moving away from more light and into the darkness. Mabon usually...

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  • Candle Magic For Beginners

    Candle Magic For Beginners

    Candle magic is one of the most common forms of petition magic, and one of the easiest and most accessible for newcomers to the Craft. Once you’re set at your favorite local metaphysical store, though, how do you know what...

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  • how to know if my spell casting works

    Why Didn't My Spell Work?!

    You’re totally sure you did everything right. You bought every herb the book said, your house looks like you’ve taken up crystal mining, the fire marshall better not drop by cuz candles are everywhere, you stirred that cauldron until you’re...

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